The ‘Just Chrysanthemum’ promotional campaign, abbreviated Just Chrys, is an initiative from the Chryson Foundation (Stichting Chryson). Around 150 Dutch cut chrysanthemum growers and 5 breeders work together within this foundation. We grow over 1.25 billion stems of colourful chrysanthemums on approx. 460 hectares every year. That is the equivalent of almost 700 football pitches filled with flowers.
The versatile, colourful and powerful chrysanthemum enables you to make a statement that your customers can enjoy for a long time! With the ‘Just Chrysanthemum’ campaign we want to inspire you with the 1001 possibilities for surprising creations!
We are making a lot of progress together in terms of sustainability. This includes biological pest control, but also heat storage, and investments in equipment new cultivation techniques with which we are achieving substantial energy and carbon reductions. From the Netherlands we mainly produce for the European market. This means that we can keep the carbon footprint of our logistics as low as possible.
If you have a question about chrysanthemums check under the frequently asked questions to see whether your question is listed. If you want to know something else, please contact us!